Mrs. Skien's Classroom Rules
- I expect you to respect your peers, your teacher, guests and the facilities.
-Do not use colorful pens on tests or classwork.
-Be in your seat with materials when the bell rings.
-Use the restroom and/or get a drink before class starts. Check in with Mrs. Skien first if you believe you will be tardy.
-When entering the classroom be sure to complete the daily bell ringer.
-At the end of class, push in your chair
-All other rules in the school handbook will apply to this classroom.
Grades & Absences:
-You will receive 10 Participation Points every day. This is based on if you have all your materials for class, if you do your work, if you are on the correct websites, and your behavior in class on a daily basis.
-Grading Scale:
92.50% - 100% = A
89.50% - 92.49% = A-
86.50% - 89.49% = B+
82.50% - 89.49% = B
79.50% - 82.49% = B-
76.50% - 79.49% = C+
72.50% - 76.49% = C
69.50% - 72.49% = C-
66.50% - 69.49% = D+
62.50% - 66.49% = D
59.50% - 62.49% = D-
0% - 59.49% = F
-Late Assignments will only be accepted the day after it is due. You will receive 70% of the grade when it is turned in late.
-If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to meet with me when you come back to find out what you missed.
(Upon returning to school you have two days to complete one days of classwork or the assignment becomes a 0 in the grade book.) pg 8 in handbook
- I expect you to respect your peers, your teacher, guests and the facilities.
-Do not use colorful pens on tests or classwork.
-Be in your seat with materials when the bell rings.
-Use the restroom and/or get a drink before class starts. Check in with Mrs. Skien first if you believe you will be tardy.
-When entering the classroom be sure to complete the daily bell ringer.
-At the end of class, push in your chair
-All other rules in the school handbook will apply to this classroom.
Grades & Absences:
-You will receive 10 Participation Points every day. This is based on if you have all your materials for class, if you do your work, if you are on the correct websites, and your behavior in class on a daily basis.
-Grading Scale:
92.50% - 100% = A
89.50% - 92.49% = A-
86.50% - 89.49% = B+
82.50% - 89.49% = B
79.50% - 82.49% = B-
76.50% - 79.49% = C+
72.50% - 76.49% = C
69.50% - 72.49% = C-
66.50% - 69.49% = D+
62.50% - 66.49% = D
59.50% - 62.49% = D-
0% - 59.49% = F
-Late Assignments will only be accepted the day after it is due. You will receive 70% of the grade when it is turned in late.
-If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to meet with me when you come back to find out what you missed.
(Upon returning to school you have two days to complete one days of classwork or the assignment becomes a 0 in the grade book.) pg 8 in handbook